添加時間:2017-11-26 23:59:50
第一條 定義
1.1 專有技術,原指生產合同產品,甲方所需要的乙方所擁有和提供的全部生產技術及加工工藝。該生產技術和加工工藝包括全部設計、制造、操作圖紙及技術資料、制造工藝、生產程序和生產技術細節。
1.2 合同產品,指_________和_________產品,該產品符合本合同附件一所規定的技術條件和技術標準。也即甲方按照乙方提供的專有技術及設備進行制造和生產的產品。
1.3 技術資料,指制造合同產品所需要的全部“專有技術”,以及乙方在生產合同產品的過程中,所使用的全部有關設計和制造圖紙,加工技術和工藝文件等資料。具體內容及要求詳見本合同附件二。
1.4 考核產品,指甲方用乙方提供的專有技術和專用設備所生產和制造的合同產品。該產品經過驗證符合并且達到本合同附件一所規定的技術條件和技術標準。
1.5 工藝文件,指生產合同產品所需要的全部加工方法、加工手段、工藝過程卡片、工藝圖紙、工序卡片等全套資料。具體內容詳見本合同附件二。
1.6 工藝守則,指生產合同產品的全部生產和加工過程所必須遵循的原則。
第二條 合同內容和范圍
2.1 乙方同意向甲方轉讓,甲方同意從乙方取得合同產品的專有技術。甲方采用乙方的專有技術和主要設備,能夠在甲方工廠生產出合格的合同產品。其產品規格、型號、產量及技術條件和技術標準詳見本合同附件一。
2.2 乙方向甲方提供在甲方工廠生產合同產品的全部完整工藝文件和資料,能正確指導合同產品的生產。詳見本合同附件二。
2.3 乙方在提供技術資料的同時,還要提供全部技術標準。
2.4 乙方向甲方提供用于在甲方工廠生產合同產品的全部專有技術資料必須是完整的技術資料。
2.5 乙方在向甲方提供技術的同時,并為甲方提供和選擇生產合同產品所必須的關鍵設備。這些設備的具體要求和規格詳見“設備引進合同”。設備合同的交付規定和交付辦法,按設備合同的規定執行。詳見“生產設備引進合同”。
2.6 為了保證合同產品的生產,乙方同意甲方采用部分中國國產設備,和乙方選擇提供的設備配套共同生產合同產品。詳見本合同附件三。
2.7 乙方按照本合同附件四所規定的條件和要求,在乙方工廠為甲方培訓技術人員,以保證所培訓的人員能夠掌握這些專有技術,生產合同產品。
2.8 乙方按合同附件五所規定的條件,派遣稱職的專家到甲方工廠進行技術指導、技術服務。
第三條 價格
3.1 按第二條所規定的合同內容和范圍,乙方所提供的合同產品的專有技術包括工廠設計圖紙,全部制造圖紙,工藝文件,技術服務和技術培訓等的全部資料總價格為_________美元。其中技術轉讓費為_________美元,考察培訓費為_________美元。
3.2 上述合同的價格為固定價格,包括本合同第二條所規定的全部技術資料運抵_________費用。該價格包括乙方在本合同中所承擔的其他義務的全部費用在內。
3.3 本合同內的一切費用均以美元計算和結算。
3.4 設備引進合同的總價格為_________萬美元。其具體執行辦法按設備合同的規定執行。
第四條 支付與支付條件
4.1 本合同項下的一切費用,用m/t信匯方式支付。甲方通過_________銀行,乙方通過指定的外國銀行進行支付。凡發生在中國境內的銀行費用,由甲方負擔,凡發生在中國境外的一切銀行費用,由乙方負擔。
4.2 本合同第三條3.1款所規定的總價格_________美元,由甲方按照下列比例,方式支付給乙方:
4.2.1 合同總值_________美元的_________%計_________美元,甲方在收到乙方提供的下列技術文件和單據并經審核無誤后30天內由甲方以m/t方式匯付乙方:
4.2.2 合同總值_________美元的_________%計_________美元,甲方在收到全部技術文件及技術培訓開始前15天內用m/t信匯方式支付給乙方。
4.2.3 合同總值_________美元的_________%計_________美元,甲方在完成設備安裝、調試合格、正式投入生產、生產出合格產品,雙方簽署了合格證書、并在收到乙方的下列單據后,經審查無誤,30天內以m/t信匯方式支付給乙方:
4.3 設備合同總值_________萬美元(大寫),其支付和支付辦法,按設備合同的規定執行。
第五條 技術文件及設備的交付
5.1 乙方應按本合同附件二規定的內容和交付日期,將技術文件交付甲方。
5.2 設備和設備技術文件的交付,要嚴格按照設備合同的交付規定執行。
5.3 每批技術資料發運后的兩個工作日內,乙方應用電話將發運日期,發運數量,包裝件數和重量,空運提單號,合同號,班機號和預計抵達時間,通知甲方,并同時用航空掛號信將下列單據寄交甲方:
5.4 全部技術文件派專人送到北京甲方,以甲方簽收日視為實際交付日。
5.5 如乙方交付的技術文件在途中丟失,短缺或損壞,則乙方應在最短期間內,最遲不得超過在甲方通知后20天,免費補給甲方。
5.6 乙方發運和寄送的技術文件及資料,包裝要牢固,適合于長途運輸,多次裝卸,防雨和防潮。在發運的每一個包裝箱上面,均要用英文標志下列內容:
5.7 每一個包裝箱內,均附有詳細的裝箱單一式兩份。
第六條 技術的修改和改進
6.1 乙方提供的技術資料如有不適合于甲方生產條件的,如設計標準、材料標準及要求、工藝裝備及其他生產條件等不適合于甲方生產實際,乙方有責任協助甲方進行修改,并由雙方確認其修改的部分。
6.2 在本合同有效期內,雙方對合同規定的技術內容和范圍,如有任何改進和發展,雙方都應互相將改進和發展的技術免費提供給對方。
6.3 改進和發展的技術,所有權屬于改進和發展技術的一方,對方不得去申請專利,也不得將發展和改進的技術轉讓第三方。
第七條 產品的考核和驗收
7.1 為了保證乙方提供合同產品的制造專有技術的正確性、可靠性和先進性,由甲方和乙方技術人員一起,在工廠按本合同附件六“考核和驗收”的規定,共同對合同產品進行考核和驗收:
7.2 按本合同第二條的規定,產品的技術條件、技術標準,生產圖紙,均作為考核驗收合同產品的依據。產品的技術文件及資料詳見本合同附件一。
7.3 產品考核驗收合格后,雙方代表要簽署驗收合格證書一式四份,雙方各執二份為憑。
7.4 如果考核驗收達不到本合同的規定要求,則雙方要友好協商,共同研究分析原因,采取措施,消除缺陷,進行第二次考核和驗收。
7.5 如果第一次考核不合格屬于乙方的責任,乙方須派遣專家參加第二或第三次考核和驗收。其一切費用由乙方負擔。如果屬于甲方責任,其一切費用應由甲方負擔。
7.6 如經過第二次考核仍達不到合格要求時,如系乙方責任,乙方必須賠償甲方因此而遭受的直接損失。并要求采取措施消除缺陷,參加第三次考核,如系甲方責任,則其一切損失由甲方自負。
7.7 若經過第三次考核仍不合格,如屬乙方責任,則乙方應承擔由此而造成一切損失。甲方有權終止合同并按第八條的規定由甲方向乙方索賠。如屬甲方責任,則雙方應共同協商本合同的進一步執行問題。
第八條 保證和索賠
8.1 乙方保證向甲方提供的技術文件是乙方實際使用的、成熟的、可靠的和最新的技術資料和文件,并保證在合同的有效期間內及時向甲方提供任何新的發展的改進的技術資料。
8.2 乙方保證向甲方提供的技術文件是完整的、正確的、統一的,清晰和及時的。其有關規定如下:
8.3 如果乙方所交付的技術文件有不符合8.2款規定的,在收到甲方書面通知后30天內,乙方應按8.2款免費補寄技術文件給甲方。
8.4 乙方提供給甲方的設備,由乙方負責安裝、調試,最終應保證達到技術工藝要求和加工質量。
8.5 若乙方為甲方提供的設備達不到8.4款的要求,則乙方負責更換和再調試,直到達到要求為止。
8.6 若任何一批技術文件的交付晚于本合同附件二規定的交付日期,從規定交付日期的第2天算起,乙方應按下列規定向甲方支付:
8.7 乙方在按照8.6款的規定被罰款時,將不解除乙方繼續交付技術資料義務。
8.8 乙方如果遲交技術文件超過4個月則甲方有權終止合同。在這種情況下,乙方必須將甲方已經支付的全部金額并加上年利10%,盡快一并退還甲方。最遲不得超過乙方接到甲方終止合同的通知后30天。
8.9 按本合同第七條規定,由于乙方責任,驗收三次不合格,且在雙方同意延長的時間內,乙方仍不能消除缺陷時,則甲方有權終止合同。乙方將甲方全部已付金額連同年利10%,在8.8款所規定的時間內,一并退還甲方,并承擔由此給甲方造成的一切損失。
第九條 侵權
9.1 乙方保證乙方能合法地并且有權向甲方轉讓合同產品專有技術而不受任何第三者干涉和指控。如果發生第三者干涉和指控,則由乙方負責同第三者進行交涉,并由乙方承擔法律上和經濟上的全部責任和損失。
9.2 在本合同終止后,甲方仍有權繼續使用乙方提供的專有技術和全部技術文件進行合同產品的生產。
第十條 稅費
10.1 凡因履行本合同而發生在甲方國家以外的一切稅費,均由乙方承擔。
10.2 乙方因履行本合同而在中國境內所取得的收入必須按照中國稅法規定外國企業在中國境內所取得的收入,要按中國稅法納稅,所納稅款由甲方在支付乙方合同貨款時代乙方從其付款總額中扣除,并由中國稅務當局出具原本證明,說明稅款已繳納。
第十一條 仲裁
11.1 凡因執行合同所發生的一切爭議,均由雙方通過友好協商的辦法解決。如果協商仍不能解決,則雙方同意將爭議提交仲裁。
11.2 仲裁地點在北京中國國際貿易促進委員會仲裁機關,仲裁程序按中國貿促會仲裁機關的程序進行仲裁。
11.3 仲裁裁決是終局裁決,對雙方均有約束力。雙方均應遵守。
11.4 除了在仲裁進程中進行仲裁的那一部分外,不受仲裁影響的那一部分雙方仍應繼續執行。
第十二條 不可抗力
12.1 人力不可抗力:人力不可抗力的因素,如戰爭、嚴重水災、火災、臺風、地震,以及雙方同意的其他人力不可抗力因素。
12.2 發生人力不可抗力的責任方應盡快將發生人力不可抗力事故的情況,在盡可能短的時間內,用電傳或電報通知對方,并于事后14天內,以航空掛號信將有關政府當局出具的證明文件給對方,予以認證。
12.3 因發生不可抗力而影響了合同的執行,如果事故延續20天以上,則雙方應盡快通過友好協商方式協商合同的進一步執行問題。
第十三條 合同的生效終止和其他
13.1 本合同由雙方代表簽訂后,雙方分別向各自的政府或審理機構申請批準,以最后批準一方的日期為合同生效日期。雙方均應盡最大努力在60天內獲得批準,并用電傳或電報通知另一方,然后用航空掛號信予以確認。
13.2 本合同用中英文書寫,雙方各執1份為憑。
13.3 雙方同意與執行本合同有關的一切聯系均使用中文或英文進行。凡屬正式通知以掛號信郵寄一式兩份。
13.4 本合同的有效期為甲方用乙方提供的專有技術及設備生產和制造出合格的合同產品后60個月。合同有效期滿,無須任何手續,則本合同自動失效。
13.5 本合同期滿時,雙方發生的債權債務,不受合同期滿的影響,債務人應對債權人繼續償付未了債務。
13.6 本合同附件一至附件六是本合同不可分割的一部分,與合同正文具有同等效力。
13.7 本合同條款的任何改變,修改或增減,均需經雙方協商同意后雙方授權各自的代表簽署書面文件,作為本合同不可分割的一部分,與合同其他條款一樣具有同等的效力。
13.8 與本合同有關的所有技術文件和技術資料均用英文書就。
date: _________
place: _________
this contract is signed on this date of in by and between (hereinafter referred to as party a) and (hereinafter referred to as party b).
whereas party b is in possession of the know - how to manufacture the contract products and has the right and is willing to transfer such know - how to nanfang technology co., ltd; and whereas nanfang technology co., ltd. wishes to utilize the know - how possessed by party b to manufacture, sell and exportthe contract products; party a, authorized by nanfang technology co., ltd., held friendly discussions with party b and have concluded under the following terms and conditions thie contract.
1. definitions
1.1 "know- how" shall mean all the manufacturing technology and process engineering to manufacture the contract products which are required by party a and which party b possesses. such technology engineering shall include technical details of all designs, operation drawings, technical documentations, manufacturing engineering, procedure and techniques.
1.2 "contract products" shall refer to the sio2 and ito conductive coating glass products which are in conformity with the technical specifications and standards as specified in appendix 1 of this contract, e. g. the products manufactured by party a with the know - how and equipment supplied by party b.
1.3 "technical documentations" shall mean all the know - how necessary to manufacture the contract products and all the designs, drawings, processing techniques, and engineering documents, etc. that party b uses in manufacturing the contract products. the contents and requirements of such technical documentations are set forth in appendix 2 of this contract.
1.4 "test products" shall mean the contract products manufactured by party a with the knowhow and special equipment supplied by party b which, when tested, shall meet the technical specifications and standards as specified in appendix 1 of this contract.
1.5 "engineering documents" shall mean the complete set of processing methods, means of processing, engineering cards, drawings, work procedures, etc. which are necessary to manufacture the contract products. details are set forth in appendix 2 of the contract.
1.6 "engineering regulations" shall mean those regulations which should be followed when manufacturing and processing the contract products.
2. contents & scopes of contract
2.1 party b agrees to transfer to party a and party a agrees to procure from party b the knowhow to manufacture the contract products. party a shall, in its own factory, use the know - how and equipment supplied by party b to manufacture qualilied contract products of which the specifications, types, quantity, technical specification and standards are specified in appendix 1 of the contract.
2.2 party b shall provide to party a the complete set of engineering documents and technical documentations to be used for the manufacture of contract products in party a's factory. such engineering documents and technical documentations shall correctly direct the manufacture. details are set forth in appendix 2 of the contract.
2.3 the related technical standards shall be submitted by party b at the same time the technical documentation is provided.
2.4 the technical documentation covering the know - how to meanufacture the contract products shall be complete.
2.5 in addition to providing the know - how, party b shall also select and provide to party a the key equipment necessary for the manufacture of contract products. the requirements and specifica-tions are specified in the "equipment purchase contract"(epc)of which the delivery and payment are subject to the provisions there - of.
2.6 to ensure the manufacture of contract products, party b agrees to the introduction of some domestic equipment by party a bo be used with the equipment provided by party b in the manufacture. details of such domestic equipment are set forth in appendix 4 of the contract.
2.7 party b shall, according to the conditions and requirements as specified in appendix 4, render technical training to party a' s personnel in the factory of party b so as to ensure that the personnel can master the know - how and be able to manufacture the contract products.
2.8 party b shall, according to the conditions as specified in appendix 5, assign competent ex. perts to party a's factory to render technical supervision and technical service.
3. contract price
3.1 according to the contract contents and scopes as specified in chapter 2, the total price of the know - how to manufacture contract products provided by party b including the designs, drawings, engineering documents, technical service and training shall amount to_________of which_________shall be transfer fee and
_________shall be training fee.
3.2 the above contract price is fixed and shall include the expenses to ship all the technical documentation to shenzhen as specified in chapter 2 of the contract. such contract price shall also include the expenses for party b to carry out the other contract obligations of this contract.
3.3 all the calculations and payment of expenses of this contract shall be in u/s/dollars.
3.4 the total price of the equipment shall be_________. the execution shall be subject to the provisions of the epc.
4. payment & payment conditions
4.1 the payment of all the expenses under this contract shall be made by m/t through bank of china, shenzhen branch and the bank designated by party b. all the bank expenses occuring inside china shall be borne by party a and those outside china shall be borne by party b.
4.2 payment:
4.2.1 15% of the above contract price, e. g._________shall be paid by party a to party b by m/t within 30 days after party a has received from party b the following technical documentations and documents and providing that they are in conformity with the contract:
(1)the technical documentations as specified in appendix 2 of the contract to be delivered within 2 months after the contract takes effect; the detailed list of such technical documentations and the airmill of lading in four copies respectively.
(2)one original copy of the letter of confirmation of party b to complete the technical documentations as specified in appendix 2 of the contract within 2 months after the contract takes effect.
(3)sight draft one original and one copy.
(4)commercial invoice of _________in four copies.
4.2.2 _________of the_________contract price amounting to_________shall be paid by party a to party b by m/t after party a has received all the technical documentations and 15 days prior to the technical training.
4.2.3 _________of the_________contract price amounting to_________shall be paid by party a to party b by m/t after in installation and testing of the equipment are completed, the equipment is put into operation and produces qualified products and both parties have signed certificate of acceptance, and within 30 days after party a has received the following documents and proved that they are in conformity with the contract:
(1)commercial invoice of_________in four copies.
(2)certificate of acceptance of contract product quality signed by both parties in two copies.
(3)original and copy of sight draft one copy respectively.
4.3 payment and terms of payment of the epc amounting to_________shall be subject to the provisions thereof.
5. delivery of technical documentations & equipment
5.1 party b shall deliver the technical documentations to party a in accordance with the contents and schedule as specified in appendix 2 of the contract.
5.2 the delivery of the equipment and equipment technical documents shall be subject to the terms of delivery of the epc.
5.3 within 2 working days after each lot of technical documentations is shipped, party b shall notify party a by telephone the date of shipment, quantity, number of cases, weight, number of airbill of lading, contract number, flight number and expected date of arrival and send by air - mail - register to party a the following documents:
(1)air bill of lading one original and four copies.
(2)detailed list of technical documentations in three copies.
5.4 if the technical documentations are hand carried to shenzhen, the date when party a signs the receipt shall be taken as the date of delivery of the technical documentations.
5.5 in case of any loss, shortage of damage of the technical documentations during shipment, party b shall, within the possible shortest time which, however, doesn't exceed 20 days from notification by party a, make replacement to party a free of charge.
5.6 the packing of the technical documentations should be strong, suitable for long distance transportation and repeated loading and unloading. precautions against rain and moisture shall also be taken. each case shall be marked in english indicating the following contents:
(1)contract number:_________
(3)shipping mark:_________
(7)case number:_________
5.7 in each case, a detailed packing list in two copies shall be inserted.
6. modifications & improvement of technology
6.1 in the event there is any part in the technical documentations not suitable for party a's practical production conditions, such as standards of design, standards and requirements on materials, engineering and facilities, party b shall be responsible to assist party a to make modifications which shall then be confirmed by both parties.
6.2 during the term of contract, if either party makes any improvement and development with regard to the technology contents and scopes of the contract, such party shall provide the information of the improvement and development to the other party free of charge.
6.3 the ownership of the above improvement and development shall be retained to the providing party. the other party shall not be entitled to any application for patent, neither shall the other party transfer such improved and developed technology to any third party.
7. assessment & acceptance of products
7.1 to ensure that the know- how supplied by party b is correct, reliable and advanced, both parties shall jointly perform in party a's factory the assessment and acceptance of the contract products in accordance with the provisions of appendix 6 of the contract.
7.2 according to chapter 2, the technical requirements, standards and drawings shall be taken as evidence of the assessment and acceptance of contract products. the details are set - forth in appendix 1 of the contract.
7.3 if the contract products are qualified, both parties shall jointly sign a certificate of acceptance in four copies, two for each party.
7.4 if the products cannot meet the requirements of the contract, both parties shall hold friendly discussions to analyse the reasons and take measures to correct any defect and prepare for the second assessment and acceptance of the contract products.
7.5 if the failure of the first assessment and acceptance is due to party b's responsibility, party b shall send experts to participate in the second or the third assessment and acceptance, and expenses thus occur shall be borne by party b; if the failure is due to party a's responsibility, the expenses shall be borne by party a.
7.6 if after the second assessment and acceptance the products still cannot meet the requirements, if the responsibility lies in party b, party b shall compensate party a for the direct economic losses thus occur, take measures to correct the defects and participate in the third assessment and acceptance; if the responsibility lies in party a, all the losses shall be borne by party a itself.
7.7 if the products are still not qualified after the third assessment and acceptance and the responsibility lies in party b, party b shall be responsible for all the losses thus caused and party a shall have the right to terminate the contract and raise a claim against party b according to chapter 8; if the responsibility has in party a, both parties shall mutually discuss the further implementations of the contract.
8. guarantee & claim
8.1 party b guarantees that technical documentations are those used by party b and such documentations are proved reliable and of latest technology. party b also guarantees that during the term of contract, party b shall notify party a on time of any development and improvement of the technology it achieves.
8.2 party b guarantees that the delivered technical documentations are complete, correct, uniform, clear and the delivery is on time. detailed requirements are as follows;
complete: the technical documentations delivered by party b shall include all those specified in appendix 2 of the contract without omission.
correct: there is no error in the technical documentations delivered by party b. when party a strictly follows such documentations, the products manufactured are qualified.
uniform: all the signs, standards and specifications used in the technical documentions are uniform and there is no contradiction.
clear: all the drawings, lines, language notes, signs, etc. used in the technical documentations are clear and easy to read.
on time: the date of delivery of the technical documentations shall not be later than the delivery schedule as set forth in appendix 2 of the contract.
8.3 if there is any part of the technical documentations not in conformity with the requirements of 8.2, party b shall, within 30 days from receipt of notice from party a, make supplements or replacements free of charge.
8.4 the delivered equipment shall be installed and tested by party b and shall fully comply with the technical requirements and processing quality of the contract.
8.5 if the equipment supplied by party b cannot meet the requirements of 8. 4, party b shall replace and retest such equipment until it meets the requirements.
8.6 if any portion of the technical documentations is delivered late as specified in appendix 2 of the contract, party b shall, from the 2nd day, pay to party a a penalty as follows:
for late delivery of 1 to 4 weeks, the rate of penalty shall be o. 1% of the total contract price per each delayed week;
for late delivery of 5 to 8 weeks, the rate of penalty shall be o. 15% of the total contract price per each delayed week;
for late delivery of more than 8 weeks, the rate of penalty shall be 0.2 % of the total contract price per each delayed week.
however, the total amount of the above penalty shall not exceed 5 % of the total contract price.
8.7 the payment of any penalty by party b according to 8. 6 shall not release the obligation of party b to continue the delivery of the technical documentations.
8.8 in case the late delivery of the technical documentations exceeds 4 months, party a shall have the right to terminate the contract. in this case, party b shall refund to party a the amount which party a has paid to party b plus the related interest at the rate of 10% per year immediately, but in no case shall such refunding by party b exceeds 30 days from receipt from party a of the notice to terminate the contract.
8.9 in case the acceptance of the contract products according to chapter 7 cannot be successful after three attempts due to party b' s responsibility, and within the mutually agree - upon extended period, party b still cannot correct the defects, party a shall have the right to terminate the contract.in this case, party b shall refund to party a the amount which party a has paid to party b plus the related interest at the annual rate of 10% within the time specified in 8.8 and be responsible for the losses thus caused to party a.
9. intringement
9.1 party b guarantees that it can legally transfer the know - how of the contract products to party a without any interference or charge from any third party. in case of any interference or charge from a third party, they shall be handled by party b and the third party. the responsibility and loss, either legally or economically, shall be borne by party b.
9.2 after termination of the contract term, party a shall still have the right to use the know- how and technical documentations to manufacture contract products.
10. tax
10.1 any tax relating to the implementation of the contract imposed by party a's country shall be paid by party b.
10.2 the income tax relating to the implementation of the contract imposed on party b in china according to the foreign enterprise income tax law of china shall be paid by party b. the amount shah be deducted from party a's payment to party b. the original receipt to prove the payment of such tax shall then be issued by the china tax authority.
11. arbitration
11.1 any dispute arising from the implementation of the contract shall be settled through friendly consultations. if no settlement can be reached, both parties shall agree to submit the dispute for arbitration.
11.2 the arbitration shall take place in the shenzhen office of the china council for the promotion of international trade according to its rules and procedures.
11.3 the result of such arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.
11.4 both parties shall continue their respective contract obligations except those under arbitration.
12. force majeure
12.1 force majeure shall refer to war, flood, fire, typhoon, earthquake and other accidents that both parties mutually agree as force majeure.
12.2 in case of force majeure, the affected party shall notify by telex or cable the other party of the accident as soon as possible and send by registered air - mail to the other party the evidence issued by the local government within 14 days from the accident.
12.3 if the implementation is affected by force majeure and the accident lasts for more than 20 days, both parties shall hold friendly discussions as soon as possible with regard to the further implementation of the contract.
13. effectiveness, termination of contract & miscellaneous
13.1 after this contract is signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties, both parties shall submit the contract to their governments or boards of directors for approval. the date when the later party obtains the approval shall be taken as the effective date of the contract. both parties shall attempt to get the contract approval within 60 days from signing and notify by telex or cable the other party of the approval which is confirmed by the following registered air - mail letter.
13.2 this contract is written in both chinese and english and made out in two copies, one for each party.
13.3 correspondence relating to the implementation of the contract between both parties shall be in either chinese or english. formal notice sent by registered mail shall be in duplicate.
13.4 the term of contract shall be 60 months from the date when party a can manufacture qualified contract products with the know- how and equipment supplied by party b. upon expiration of such term of contract, the contract shall automatically become voil and null.
13.5 the termination of the contract shall not release any party from the obligations to pay the debts between the two parties.
13.6 the six appendices shall form an integral part of the contract and shall bear the same force as the contract itself.
13.7 any changes or amendments to the contract cause shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties and signed by duly authorized representatives. such changes or amendments shall be an integral part of the contract and have the same force as the other clauses.
13.8 all the technical documentations shall be written in english.
party a(signature):_________ party b(signature):_________
date:_________ date:_________