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        1. 好獵頭網-中高級人才獵頭網站!服務熱線:400-1801-668 好獵頭   |   登錄 注冊


          添加時間:2017-11-27 00:00:00
          瀏覽次數: 0

          Personal information

            Name: XXX

            Sex: Male/Female

            Birthdate: 23 june, 1980


            Position sought: to be an e-commerce representative in singapore


            1992-1998 xian international high school

            1998-xx university of international business and economics

            Major: international business

            Minor: e-commerce

            Educational highlights:

            Western economics 91 points

            International marketing 88 points

            International business management 90 points

            Foreign trade practice 93 points

            International law of commerce 96 points

            Foreign trade correspondence 92 points

            Foreigh exchange 87 points

            International payment modes 90 points

            English for business communication 92 points

            Computer programming 90 points

            An introduction to e-commerce 92 points

            E-commerce practice 96 points

            Business-to-business transactions 91 points


            won the first place in the national olympic maths competition in 1997.

            department scholarships for academic excellent each year from 1998 to xx.

            English proficiency:

            passed cet band six in 1999.

            passed bec in xx.

            Hobbies: playing the guitar and chitchatting on line.
