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      1. 好獵頭網-中高級人才獵頭網站!服務熱線:400-1801-668 好獵頭   |   登錄 注冊


        添加時間:2017-11-26 23:59:50
        瀏覽次數: 0
           1.1 在本協議中,以下詞語具有下列涵義:
          1.2 單數詞語包括眾數詞語,反之亦然。提到一種性別之處,包括所有性別。“人士”一詞,包括商號或獨資經營,合伙經營,集團及法人公司,反之亦然。
           2.1 本人/吾等了解,電子買賣服務為一半自動設施,讓本人/吾等發出電子指令,并接收信息服務。
          2.2 本人/吾等同意使用電子買賣服務,必須遵照本協議條款及證券客戶合約。本人/吾等使用日後經由網上交易服務提供的其他服務,亦必須遵照本協議條款及客戶協議書。
          2.3 本人/吾等為戶口項下電子買賣服務的唯一獲授權使用者。本人/吾等需對進入密碼的保密及使用承擔責任。本人/吾等承認及同意,本人/吾等需就使用進入密碼輸進電子買賣服務的所有指令負責,而貴公司,貴公司董事,高級職員或雇員概毋需對本人/吾等,或經由本人/吾等提出申索的任何其他人士(就任何有關處理,錯誤處理或遺失任何指示)的申索承擔責任。
          2.4 本人/吾等承認,網上交易服務的所有人權益屬貴公司。本人/吾等保證及承諾,本人/吾等不會(亦不會嘗試)平擾,修改,拆解,易轉,操縱或以其他方式修改(且亦不會嘗試未獲授權進入)網上交易服務的任何部份。本人吾等承認,若本人/吾等在任何時候違反是項保證及承諾,或實公司在任何時候合理懷疑本人/吾等違反是項保證及承諾,則貴公司可向本人/吾等采取法律行動。本人/吾等承諾,若本人/吾等知悉任何人士干犯本段上文所述任何行動,則本人/吾等須即時通知貴公司。
          2.5 本人/吾等進一步承認及同意,作為使用電子買賣服務發出指令的先決條件,若有下列情況,本人/吾等需即時通知貴公司:
          2.6 本人/吾等了解,貴公司擬備網上買賣政策,列出網上交易服務運作政策及程序。該政策可經由網址取得,在任何時候均適用。該政策的條款,對本人/吾等對使用網上交易服務具約束力。若本協議條款與網上買賣政策不一致,以本協議條款為準。
          2.7 本人/吾等承認_________網址若提供報價服務,乃由貴公司不時指定的第三方提供者提供。本人/吾等承認及同意,對本人/吾等在任何方面因報價服務或因本人/吾等依賴該服務而發生或與之有關的任何損失,費用,支出,損害賠償或申索貴公司概毋須承擔責任。
          2.8 本人/吾等了解,就提供資訊而言,電子買賣服務只提供由第三方刊發的證券資料。因市場波動及資料傳送過程的延誤,該等資料可能并非有關證券或投資的實時市場報價。本人/吾等了解,雖然貴公司相信該等資料可靠,但沒有獨立基準可茲證實(否定)所提供資料的準確及完整性。本人/吾等了解,不應從所提供的任何證券或投資資料而推斷貴公司作出任何推薦或認可。
          2.9 本人/吾等了解,在電子買賣服務中提供的資料,以“現狀”及“可提供”基準提供,貴公司并不保證該等資料的時候,順序,準確性,足夠性或完整性。貴公司沒有就該等資料作出明示或默示保證(包括但不限於可商售性或就某一用途的適合性而作出的保證)。
          2.10 本人/吾等接受經由互聯網或其他電子方法或設施接受或取得服務以及經由互聯網或其他電子設備或設施溝通或進行交易所帶來的風險。
           3.1 本人/吾等承認,本人/吾等只可經由互聯網進入戶口,本人/吾等承認,若本人/吾等在經由互聯網接觸貴公司時有任何困難,本人/吾等需嘗試使用其他方法與貴公司溝通,并把所遇困難知會貴公司。
          3.2 開戶口時,本人/吾等需在戶口申請表上寫明本人/吾等就使用該服務而存入首筆按金的款額。該款額可由本人/吾等親自以支票,銀行本票存入或以電傳存入貴公司的辦事處或銀行戶口。本人/吾等承認貴公司收到戶口申請表上所載有效款項後,方會把進入密碼通知本人/吾等。  
          4.1 如因故障,通訊設施傳送失敗,或通訊媒體不可靠或并非貴公司所能控制或預期的一或多項原因,以致在傳送,收取或執行指令上有所延誤貴公司毋須承擔責任。
          4.2 本人/吾等了解,向傳播市場資料的各方提供市場資料的每一參與證券交易所或組織,對其提供的全部資料申張財產權益。本人/吾等亦了解,任何方概不保證市場資料或任何其他市場信息的時效,序列,準確或完整性。任何損失或損害,若因下列原因或由其產生,貴公司或任何傳播方概毋須承擔任何責任:任何該等資料,資訊或信息不準確,錯誤,延誤或遺漏;或該等資料,資訊或信息傳送或交付時的任何不準確,錯誤,延誤或遺漏;或任何該等資料,資訊或信息因貴公司或任何傳播方的疏忽行為以致無法履行或提供;或任何不可抗力事件;或任何其他非貴公司所能控制或任何傳播方所能合理控制的其他原因。本人/吾等只會把股票報價用於自身用途,不會因任何原因向任何其他人士或實體提供該等資料。
          4.3 本人/吾等承認,因無法預料的通訊擠塞及其他原因,互聯網是存有內在不可靠性的通訊媒體,而該不可靠性非貴公司所能控制。本人/吾等承認,因該不可靠性,在傳送及接收指令及其他資料時可能有延誤,以致執行指令的延誤及/或執行指令的價格與發出指令時的價格不同。本人/吾等進一步承認及同意,任何通訊均有誤解或錯誤的風險,而該等風險需絕對由本人/吾等承擔。本人/吾等承認及同意,指令一經發出,通常不可取消。
          客戶(簽字):_________        客戶主任(簽字):_________  
          _________年____月____日        _________年____月____日  
          附件:internet securities trading agreement(supplementary to the cash/margin client''s agreement)i/we am/are the client holding the securities account(s) with you numbered _________ (the "account") and refer to my/our cash/margin client''s agreements in respect of the account dated _________. i/we agree that the account may be to open one or more securities trading account(s) (the "account") to be operated through internet trade service,in my/our name or on my/our behalf for the purpose of and in connection with the sale and purchase of securities,and i/we agree that the account shall be operated in accordance with and subject to the following terms and conditions in addition to the securities client''s agreement:-
          1.definition and construction
          1.1 in this agreement,the following terms shall bear the following meanings:
          " access codes" means together the password and the user name;
          " account" means my internet securities trading account with you operated through the internet trade service;
          "internet trade service" means the on-line securities trading service provided by _________ under this agreement comprising the electronic trading ervice,any information contained in _________ web site and the software comprised in them;
          "electronic trading service" means the facility which enables me/us to give electronic instructions and to access the information services provided by the internet trade;
          "instruction" means any instruction for the buying or selling of or otherwise dealing in any securities;
          "internet trading policy" means the policy relating to the operation of the internet trade service as amended from time to time;
          "password" means my/our personal password used in conjunction with the user name to gain access to the service;
          "client''s agreement" means _________ cash client''s agreement or margin client''s agreement;
          "_________" means _________ securities limited;
          "user name" means the client''s personal identification used in conjunction with the password to gain access to the electronic trading service and other services offered by phoenix capital.
          1.2 words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, reference to one gender shall include all genders and words denoting person shall include a firm or sole proprietorship,partnership,syndicate and corporation and vice versa.
          2.internet trade service
          2.1 i/we understand that the electronic trading service is semi-automated facility which enables me/us to send electronic instructions and receive information services.
          2.2 i/we agree to use the electronic trading service and any additional services offered through the internet trade service only in accordance with the terms of this agreement in addition to the client''s agreement.
          2.3 i/we shall be the only authorized user of the electronic trading service under the account.i/we understand and acknowledge that the internet trade service relies on the access codes to authenticate me/us as the authorized user for the account.i/we shall be responsible for the confidentiality and use of the access codes. i/we acknowledge and agree that i/we shall be solely responsible for all instructions entered through the electronic trading service using the access code and neither you nor your directors,officers or employees shall have any liability to me/us,or to any other person whose claim may arise through me/us,for any claims with respect to the handling, mishandling or loss of any instruction.
          2.4 i/we acknowledge that the internet trade service is proprietary to you. i/we warrant and undertake that i/we shall not, and shall not attempt to, tamper with, modify, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise alter in any way, and shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to, any part of the internet trade service. i/we acknowledge that you may take legal action against me/us, if i/we at any time breach this warranty and undertaking or if you at any time reasonably suspect that i/we have breached the same. i/we undertake to notify you immediately if i/we becom