Roles & Responsibilities: Assist with the development and delivery of the Academy communication strategy across all areas of activity, including teaching, research and business engagement. Implementation of the Academy marketing plan across multiple ****s, including the design of marketing/event brochures, booklets, and PPTs. Review and manage the cycle of events (both onsite and virtual), ensuring effective planning and logistics, on the day management, and follow-up activities. Measuring and ****uating the impact of all events through analytical and qualitative methods, and writing reports as appropriate. Develop the Academy social media policy and presence, monitoring and developing new communication channels. Be the main point of contact and support for the Academy annual MEGA event, from pre -planning to post analysis. Support and maintain partnerships, and business development initiatives. Prepare documents, materials, minutes for meetings, events, marketing activities. Prepare MOU, agreement, contracts for business development or collaborations. Design marketing/event brochure, booklets, PPTs. Manage the Academy webpage, release Academy newsletter, and liaise with the two schools and the University Marketing and Communications team to ensure a consistent, comprehensive and cohesive approach to communications and marketing activities. Lead on the use of data analytics technology to raise the visibility of the Academy, especially in relation to student recruitment, research and business engagement. Make performance reports of events/marketing activities. ? Promote UG, PG programmes, and training programmes of the Academy. Other tasks assigned by team leader.Qualifications: Bachelor degree in advertising, marketing, communication, or public relations related majors. At least 2 years’ or above working experiences in marketing, public relations, advertising related areas. Experience of working in an education environment would be desirable. Experience of event organisation. Confidence in dealing with clients and stakeholders in English and Chinese. Excellent writing, communication and presentation skills in both English and Chinese. Experience of working with words and graphics to produce high-quality web, social media and print marketing materials. Familiar with video editing software. A willingness to take ownership of tasks and bring them to completion and results driven. Good communication skills, time management & interpersonal skill. Awareness of cultural diversity within an international environment. A solid team p**** and faster learner.
西交利物浦大學(XJTLU,簡稱“西浦”) 是經中國教育部批準,由西安交通大學和英國利物浦大學合作創立的,具有獨立法人資格和鮮明特色的新型國際大學。她是中國目前理工管起步,強強合作,擁有中華人民共和國學士學位和英國利物浦大學學位授予權的中外合作大學。 西交利物浦大學面向海內外招收本科生、研究生,目前已有包括43個本科專業、44個碩士專業(含非全日制)和16個博士專業在內的103個學位項目,形成了涵蓋理學、工學、管理學、經濟學、建筑、城市規劃與設計、人文社科、影視等的學科體系。大學課程除公共基礎課外均采用全英文授課。本科畢業生同時獲得中國教育部認可的西交利物浦大學本科畢業證書、學士學位證書和國際認可的利物浦大學學士學位證書。研究生可獲得中國教育部認可的利物浦大學學位。西浦所有學術院系均設有博士專業,對研究生教育的持續投入和重視是西浦實現其“研究導向、獨具特色、世界認可的中國大學和中國土地上的國際大學”愿景的必由之路。