1. 負責規劃、指導、執行公司生產、研發的物料采購工作;
2. 負責新產品供應商開發,做好供應商管理;
3. 負責執行并完成公司成本節降目標;
4. 負責采購及物流應付款的審查工作,并負責部門費用計劃及報告;
5. 負責制定物料計劃,并協調各部門落實執行;
6. 負責規范、協調采購政策,確保公司利益;
7. 獨立負責工作小組,給下屬成員提供引導及支持并監督日常工作;
8. 落實公司倉庫、物流等管理工作;
9. 完成領導指派的其它工作。
1. 本科以上學歷,英語四級以上;
2. 具備醫療器械行業獨立采購經驗3年以上;
3. 優秀的溝通協作能力;
4. 具備一定的抗壓能力。
VR Medical Technology Co., Ltd
VR Medical was founded to give medical device manufacturers and distributors, worldwide, a new and more effective resource for doing business in China. Our services include new product development, project management, product sourcing, manufacturing outsourcing and secure product distribution in China. Low cost and high quality manufacturing services are provided by our ultra-modern, FDA Registered, ISO 13485 Certified, 26,000 sq. ft. facility, located in Kunshan, China, 70 kilometers from Shanghai.
As a U.S. based company, we service the domestic medical manufacturing marketplace locally. This gives our U.S. customers the important benefits of IP protection, U.S. based project management and the efficiency to manage outsourcing and other projects without a need to make frequent trips to China. From rapid prototyping to moving your manufacturing operations to China, we work directly with your team at your offices. We can also provide a single point of contact to access our broadly-based distribution system in China enabling you to safely and efficiently access its dramatically growing high-end healthcare market for medical devices.
韋睿醫療科技VR Medical是一家美國背景的、集研發、生產、銷售為一體的國際醫療儀器公司。公司以高分子材料、過濾膜技術、醫用電子、光學機械及計算機系統等高科技手段設計完成一次性使用醫用耗材、醫學診斷及治療裝置和系統,在美國、歐洲、南美及亞洲都擁有強大的銷售渠道和商業合作伙伴。