1. 負責官方微博、微信等平臺的日常內容的撰寫和運營;
2. 收集、研究網絡熱點話題,結合新媒體特性,對微博、微信內容的實時調整和更新;3. 負責微博、微信大型活動方案的策劃、創意、執行、運營以及匯報和總結。
4. 策劃組織線上大型合作活動以及定向專題活動的組織策劃執行推廣,并做相應的活動評估報告和總結報告,同時負責微博微信媒體資源拓展,渠道運營及管理;
5. 分析同行業微博,微信內容結構及話題熱點,調研目標用戶群體喜好,在此基礎上定位客戶需求及喜好,增長粉絲量;
6. 完成上級指定的其他工作;
1. 大專以上學歷,有1年以上相關工作經驗;
2. 具有較強的新聞、熱點敏敢性,有較強的文案功底。
3. 有豐富的線上線下活動推廣實戰經驗,了解知識性媒體特點,熟悉口碑營銷的執行操作流程;
4. 網感好,創意優,執行力強,有良好的策略思考能力并能獨立撰寫方案,一定程度掌握圖片處理軟件;
5. 知識面廣,思維活躍,工作主動,有責任感,能承受較大的工作壓力;
6. 對微博和微信運營成功案例者優先;
7. 良好團隊合作精神;較強的執行力,獨立思考能力 ,觀察力和應變能力;
8. 有教育行業背景、對行業有一定見解者優先
BE Education was founded in 2003, The Headquarter is located in Shanghai, and there are branches in Beijing, Chengdu and Shenzhen. We have more than 100 excellent and talented employees.
BE offers a suite of programs, all of which share the same core values of integrity, expertise, and aspiration for excellence. Our programs are designed to complement each other and focus on offering ways for Chinese students to access international education.
Education Consulting and Summer Programs
BE Education Consulting helps students access to top international schools abroad. In addition, BE Education Consulting provides ancillary services, including student assessment, personal statement counseling, and progress tracking. BE operates proprietary summer programs which are hosted at top schools, colleges, and universities, including Harvard, MIT, Eton College, and Charterhouse.
Oxford International Colleges of China
BE develops and manages Oxford International Colleges of China (OIC). These exclusive English-language boarding high schools are aimed at Chinese nationals.
OIC offers a rigorous British A-levels curriculum and aims to place graduates into top English-language universities throughout the world. OIC immerses students in international education and prepares them for life overseas.
School Guide
BE has the cooperation with Hurun with the international education guides that are considered to be the authoritative source for information about foreign schools, colleges, and universities. In addition, The Schools Guides organize educational conferences and lectures promoting international education.
company website: www.behk.org
school website:www.chengduoic.com