- 根據產品需求,選擇軟件技術路線,完成軟件系統的架構設計。
- 負責嵌入式平臺技術調研、搭建、和驗證工作,負責核心架構的搭建、關鍵技術的攻關等。
- 與電氣、固件團隊一起協作,完成物聯網的集成、測試、優化、升級等。
- 與云平臺團隊一起協作,完成設備數據到云端的集成、測試、優化、升級等。
- 參與整個物聯網產品研發的規劃與設計,推動整個產品線的更新與完善。
- 5年以上嵌入式開發經驗,本科及以上學歷。
- 精通Linux操作系統、開發工具、調試方法,及C/C++應用的開發。
- 精通Linux 多任務應用開發,及進程間通信及內存管理機制。
- 熟悉ARM或DSP硬件架構,熟悉常用的Wifi, BLE, 4G, Ethernet, RS485, RS232等接口,了解LoRa, NB-IOT低功耗通訊接口與協議。
- 熟悉Modbus, BACnet, OPC等行業標準協議,并了解PLC廠商(如西門子、施耐德、羅克韋爾、三菱等)的通訊協議。
- 具有工業4.0或智慧城市智能網關開發經驗者優先。
Anji Technology is a new technology company of Anji Logistics, specialized in intelligence, Internet and cloud sharing. We are committed to be the very first choice of obtaining intelligent technology and intelligent solutions. We serve customers from automobile manufacturing, mechanical processing, electronic, e-commerce, tobacco, medicine, daily chemical, apparel and many other industries. Our goal is to provide our customers with a set of overall automated logistics solutions, which come up with high efficiency, high performance, low cost and low risk. We aim at achieving the digitization and intelligence of the whole supply chain and then provide the maximum benefit for our customers.