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        寶馬集團是德國最成功的汽車和摩托車制造商之一,也是德國規模最大的制造工業公司之一。寶馬集團擁有BMW、MINI和Rolls-Royce三個品牌,是世界上唯一一家只專注于高檔領域的汽車制造商。作為一家跨國公司,寶馬集團在全球13個國家擁有24個生產基地,并在超過140個國家擁有銷售網絡。2010財年,寶馬集團的全球汽車總銷量約146萬輛。集團總收入達604.77億歐元。截至2010年12月31日,寶馬集團在全球的員工總數為95, 453名。

        BMW 金融服務是寶馬集團的一部分,在全球超過50個國家和地區開展業務,是世界上最大的汽車金融公司之一。其愿景是:作為一家全球性、盈利性的尊貴金融服務提供商,為BMW全球第一的戰略目標做出最大貢獻。

        寶馬汽車金融(中國)有限公司由德國寶馬股份公司與華晨寶馬汽車有限公司共同出資,于2010年正式成立,旨在為寶馬集團經銷商及集團客戶提供高端金融產品及服務,推動寶馬集團業務發展。寶馬汽車金融(中國)有限公司通過“一站式 ”購車及貸款服務,讓集團客戶在選擇金融產品的同時體驗到公司的貼心服務;同時,公司還通過即將正式開展的保險及信用卡等業務,拓寬服務范圍,豐富產品內容,力求為集團用戶提供全方位的金融體驗。

        The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 24 production facilities in 13 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries. The BMW Group achieved a global sales volume of approximately 1.46 million automobiles for the 2010 financial year. Revenues for 2010 totalled euro 60.477 billion. At 31 December 2010, the company employed a global workforce of 95,453 associates.

        As a member of BMW Group and having business in over 50 countries, BMW Financial Services is one of the biggest auto-finance companies in the world. Being a global profitable financial services provider, the company commits itself in contributing to the group “Number One” strategy.

        As a joint venture of BMW Group and BMW Brilliance Automotive officially starting business in 2010, BMW Automotive Finance (China) Co., Ltd. promotes the group business by providing with premium and professional financial services and products to BMW group dealers and customers. Through “one-stop” car purchasing and loan services, BMW Automotive Finance (China) Co., Ltd. offers not only financial products, but also intimate customer-oriented services. Meanwhile, the company makes efforts to provide convenient omnibearing services to all our customers by broadening its product line by starting new businesses, including insurance and credit card.

        For more information if you are interested, please track our recruitment web blog @寶馬汽車金融中國招聘 to know more living information in time.
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